Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did,
but Backwards and in Heels
‘Skyvibe’ Astrology Forecast for August 2018
Have you been feeling like you are in a rut and going nowhere? Does everything you attempt take way too long to do? Are you hitting the accelerator but going backwards? Welcome to August 2018, the month of retrograde planets!
We start the month of August with six planets retrograde – Mercury in Leo, Mars in Aquarius, Saturn in Capricorn, Chiron in Aries, Neptune in Pisces and Pluto in Capricorn. On 9th August Uranus in Taurus also turns retrograde, bringing the total up to seven. Mercury goes direct on 20th August, so for a period of 11 days we have six out of the ten astrological planets, plus Chiron, all retracing their steps through the zodiac. The Sun and Moon never retrograde, so for the mathematically or statistically inclined, that is 7 out of a possible 9 heavenly bodies, or 78%, doing a Ginger Rogers and dancing backwards (but without the high heels).
Retrograde periods are not the best for starting new ventures or initiating projects that need forward momentum to take off, but they are excellent for researching, reviewing, reflecting, reconsidering, revising, indeed any word you can think of that starts with ‘re’. We are all so caught up with the frantic pace of everyday life that we can sometimes keep going, on and on, without considering where we are actually heading. During August the Universe is asking you to slow down, take a minute, catch your breath, think again about where your life is heading and make adjustments where needed. Slow your mind and try meditating, go for a walk in nature, do whatever brings you joy and you will find yourself refreshed, re-energised, renewed and ready to re-engage once these energies regain their forward momentum.
Venus enters her home sign of Libra at 9.28am on 7th August, and two days later on 9th August she opposes Chiron in Aries. If you have any planets around 1° of the Cardinal signs, Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn, you may have some issues with your nearest and dearest, harsh words may be spoken, or there could be a breakthrough that leads to healing a longstanding wound in your relationship.
August 11 brings us the New Moon and a partial Solar Eclipse, not visible in Australia. The New Moon is at 18° Leo at 7.57pm Sydney time. The Sabian Symbol is A Houseboat party crowded with revellers; the water reflects its lights. This is an interesting symbol on a number of levels. At first glance it appears quite festive, a crowded party, revelry and people having a good time, lights reflecting prettily off the water, a positive image and a happy situation. But consider where this party is being held, it is on a houseboat, afloat on the water, you cannot leave whenever you want, you are at the mercy of whoever is in charge of the boat. If you are enjoying yourself, this is not a problem; it is a pleasant interlude adrift before returning to the shore and your life on solid ground. If you are not enjoying yourself, then the interlude can seem interminable, you feel yourself held hostage unable to escape. The lesson of this New Moon is to relax and enjoy, go with the flow. If the situation you find yourself in is not ideal, don’t worry, it is not forever, and you will only make yourself feel worse if you fight against it. Kick back, have another drink and enjoy the company you are with, because you are all in the same boat.
The Sun enters Virgo at 2.09pm on 23rd August, bringing a renewed sense of purpose and an urge to get things done, and done right. Three days later on 26th August it will form a Grand Earth trine with Uranus in Taurus and Saturn in Capricorn. Trines are a free-flow of energy, in this case between the Sun, our life-force, in practical, detailed oriented Virgo, disciplined, serious Saturn in his home sign of Capricorn and unpredictable Uranus in the security conscious sign of Taurus. This would be a good time to review or get advice relating to our finances, mortgages, business plans, insurance policies and anything else that is connected with our long-term security. Check your chart for any planets at 2° of the Earth signs, as you will be most affected by this energy.
The Pisces Full Moon occurs at 9.56pm on 26th August at 3°. The Sabian Symbol is Heavy car traffic linking two seaside resorts. This symbol shows the flow of communication between the two resorts is slow and ponderous. This is a time for patience, for abiding by the rules and applying a heavy dose of common sense to any situation where you feel hemmed in or are not making progress at the speed you would like. This Full Moon occurs two days before Mars goes direct, so many of us will be feeling the toll of pent-up frustration and exhaustion that ‘pulling back the angry dog’ (as Marc so eloquently described it last month) has caused. There is only one thing you can do when you are caught up in a traffic jam – sit back, put on some music, and wait for the congestion to clear. Losing your temper and yelling won’t have any effect; it will just wear you out.
Another aspect to this symbol is that this car traffic is linking two seaside resorts. The implication is that we have been in one resort, and are now travelling to the other. Why are we doing this? Is there a difference between them? Is one resort better than the other? Or have we just become bored with where were and putting ourselves through unnecessary stress and frustration to travel somewhere that is exactly like the place we have just come from? Something to think about before Mars turns direct and takes us pell-mell to a destination that may not make us any happier than we were before.
To sum up the month of August, sit back, relax, take a chill-pill, let the energies flow under, over and around you, don’t swim against the current because you will get nowhere. It is a month to stop, apply whatever ‘re’ word is most appropriate to your situation, and gather your strength for the latter part of the year when the planets do a Fred Astaire and start dancing forward again.
– Joanne Rixon
August 2018
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