Embark on an astrological journey

Learn the art and science that is Astrology. A practice dating back thousands of years…

Learn astrology in a relaxed atmosphere

Our classes are designed with the student’s enjoyment in mind. Catering from the absolute beginner to the budding practitioner. Our syllabus is designed over 4 levels…

How does astrology work?

As a student of astrology, the first thing we question is “how does astrology actually work?” Many theories can be used to explain this vibrational connection that occurs between us and the universe…

From our students...

“I can’t thank you enough for your contribution to my own personal development. If it wasn’t for Sydney Astrology School I wouldn’t have had the courage to take the steps I am taking today.” Leonarda

Sydney Astrology School’s Online Course is here!

A Course in Self Discovery

Certificate in Astrology Online!

Next Level 1 starts 25 Jan 2025

Enrolments are still open!

Celebrating 18 years of Astrological Excellence

  • Diamon image

    Weekly Webinars with Marc Laurenson. Marc is an FAA Accredited Astrology Teacher (AAT)

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    Class notes compiled into an Astrologer Handbook

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    A mix of reading and video content

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    Zoom Meets with classmates

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    Regular feedback on your homework!

Why choose Sydney Astrology School?

Sydney Astrology School students express why they love Sydney Astrology School and what the experience has done for them.

We believe it’s our passion for Astrology that drives our objectives for top quality education and student satisfaction and it’s the joy of teaching that keeps the school lively and in the moment.

Here at Sydney Astrology School, we have specifically designed the course with the student’s enjoyment in mind, learning in a relaxed, and comfortable environment.

Whether you are into Astrology just for the fun of it or you have your sights on a career, our classes are geared for all levels and requirements. From absolute beginner to advance levels we teach in a manner that is exciting, informative and life changing. Thousands of years in practice, Astrology reminds us that while we are all part of life’s essential rhythms we are still able to utilise our innate gifts of freedom and choice.

Astrology gives us the courage and confidence needed to live the lives we truly desire.

Marc Laurenson discusses Vocation in the Birth Chart with Steven Forrest

Marc Laurenson caught up with Steven Forrest at Steven’s 1-week workshop “Generations” at the Australian Apprenticeship Program (AAP) in Shoal Bay in August 2018. Marc and Steven discuss the issue of ‘Vocation’ in the birth chart from an Evolutionary Astrology perspective.

astrology forecast february 2025

Skyvibe February 2025: Forward Motion & Fresh Clarity

By SAS Astrologer: Krishna Dodds

February is shaping up to be quite a big month astrologically. (When isn’t it, though!)

The forward motion of Mars and Jupiter will support us with our direction and our beliefs, and the north node in Pisces combined with the New Moon in Pisces will help us to tune into our feelings and intuition and release anything that we don’t want to carry into the new astrological year-which begins when the Sun moves into Aries in March.

Venus makes her way into Aries on the 5th of February bringing with her a way of relating that can only be described as sass and fire.

Passion can be renewed with this placement; so if your relationships have been a little ho-hum, you can look forward to a reignited spark along with spontaneity and adventure.

Continue reading…

Marc Laurenson talks about the Planets in 2025

Video: What the Planets have on offer for 2025!

Marc Laurenson takes a look at what the Planets have on offer for 2025.

Timecodes included


0:00 Intro to 2025
3:23 Dates
6:28 Rebooting
7:18 Degrees
7:56 Soul Plan
8:52 Pluto
12:48 Neptune
16:58 Saturn/Neptune
21:28 Uranus
26:40 Saturn
30:09 Jupiter
33:55 Change
35:38 Wrapping up

Sydney Astrology School's Online Course - Level 1 commences July, 2018

Sydney Astrology School's Certificate Program. Starts January 2025!


The current intake for Level 1 Beginners Astrology began: 25 January 2025. Enrollments are still open… but only just!

Sydney Astrology School’s Certificate Program is comprised of 4 levels (4 x 10 week terms) which happen over a 4-term year. Level 1 is run twice a year; Jan/Feb and June intakes. Subscribe to our newsletter or…

Read more about the Certificate Program

Enquire about the course, and request to be notified to hear about future Early Bird Specials.

Enrolments for Jan 2025 Level 1 intake are now open!

FAA silver medal in astrology


Congratulations to Natacha Brochard, Anita Rechnitzer, Leanne Clarke, and Lisa Paton for receiving distinctions in the 2024 Relationship & Specialist Technique exam. A special mention to Natacha Brochard, who not only received the FAA Silver Medal Doris Greaves Award for the highest mark Australia-wide but also, along with Anita and Leanne, has now earned the FAA Practitioners Diploma. Well done, Ladies!

Sydney Astrology School’s Certificate Program prepares you for the FAA Exams. Marc Laurenson is an FAA accredited AAT (FAA Accredited Astrology Teacher). To find out more information about the FAA exams – visit the Federation of Australian Astrologers website.


VIDEO: [Sex and Intimacy Series] Episode 12: Scorpio

Sex and Intimacy Episode 12:
Scorpio and Pluto

In this 12th and final episode Marc discusses how Sex and Intimacy can play out for the sign Scorpio and Pluto. What we need to learn here and how we can make these areas work for us in a healthy way.

Watch Video >

Lunar Node to Pisces Virgo

VIDEO: The Transiting Lunar Node to Pisces/Virgo

Marc chats about the transiting Nodes changing to Pisces/ Virgo and what it could mean for you transiting every natal house. Timecodes below.
0:00 Intro
0:25 Dates
1:09 Transiting Nodes
2:52 Aries/Libra
3:55 Elements/Modes
5:50 Virgo/Pisces
12:50 1st
15:46 2nd
19:03 3rd
21:11 4th
23:30 5th
25:44 6th
28:40 7th
31:06 8th
34:03 9th
36:54 10th
39:49 11th
42:22 12th
45:00 Conclusion

Watch video >

Hear what our students have to say …