Diving into the Unknown

‘Skyvibe’ Astrology Forecast for July 2024

By Krishna Dodds.


July offers a mixed bag of cosmic offerings. Most months have a unique blueprint and a random blend of astrological flavours, yet the 7th calendar month of the year gives us a little extra due to the differing planetary influences at play.

July starts with Neptune heading into a 5 month plus retrograde phase along with the Saturn retrograde phase-which I spoke about in my June astrological article.

To give some clarity on these energies, (the irony isn’t lost on me considering that Neptune can bring confusion and cloudiness), Saturn and Neptune are seeking different things.

Saturn craves structure and the desire to know what is taking place within the boundaries of linear time.

Neptune does not give a flying f**k about linear time, nor boundaries. In fact, Neptune is known for blurring boundaries and putting us in touch with the unseen.

Speaking of the unseen; Neptune begins the retrograde phase at the anaretic degree of 29 on the 3rd of July.

Neptune is at 29 degrees until the 4th of September.

This means that we may feel extra foggy and more uncertain about where we are heading. We may also be caught up in fantasy and feel drawn to shy away from reality.

The anaretic degree speaks of urgency and something needing to change. With Neptune we are being asked to look at where we might be being deceived or are deceiving ourselves, where we are being manipulated and taken advantage of, and where we may need to have stronger boundaries so that we know where we end, and another person or energy begins.

The retrograde period itself can bring all of the above, so it’s kind of a double whammy with the anaretic degree joining the mix.

Even the most practical and detail oriented of us may have trouble tuning into our thoughts and articulating them.

While this all may sound incredibly frustrating with a massive serve of “no thank you”, there is a positive side to this transit.

While the mental aspect of ourselves is seemingly on hiatus, we can start to tune into the presence of our soul and higher self and connect to our inner wisdom.

Heeding the call of our intuition can help us to follow our inner prompts and start to follow a more soul led life. And by that, I mean, following our purpose and understanding why we are here.

Please understand that this is not a head thing. You can’t “think in” to what this will be. The chances are that these gifts will start to show up organically when we listen to the whispers of our soul. E.G. You might find that you have an innate desire to volunteer or give to others in some way throughout this phase, you may decide that drawing or painting is a great way for you to express that which you can’t make sense of mentally. Or you may discover that your compassion and empathy leads you into counselling or some kind of healing work. Or… you may be here to live a peaceful life and show others how to do the same.

Be open to what shows up. We are being asked to trust our senses and have faith that whatever unfolds throughout this 5 month period, will be of benefit to us and others.

A few final words on Neptune is that it can help us to find the missing pieces of the puzzle-something that we couldn’t quite put our finger on may become glaringly apparent. We may also find that the rose coloured glasses come off and we can finally see things for what they are/were, instead of what we wanted them to be. (This may be more prominent when Saturn moves into direct motion in November followed by Neptune in December.)
Neptune is teaching us to trust our gut. If something doesn’t feel right, trust the visceral feeling over what is being presented to you externally.

Ground your energy with essential oils and by connecting barefoot to the earth and spending time in nature.

Trust your dreaming. The dreaming realms can add so much richness to our worlds and can be signposts of energies that we need to take notice of and explore.

This journey into our inner domain will start to make more sense when both Saturn and Neptune turn direct in November and December respectively.

On the same day that Neptune begins the retrograde phase, Mercury makes a move into fiery Leo followed by Venus on the 12th of July and the Sun on the 23rd of July.

Mercury in Leo blesses us with creative flair and an enthusiasm that is only comparable to its fiery counterparts of Aries and Saggy.

Mercury in Leo can be quite authoritative and super confident in sharing ideas and opinions. They can also be great problem solvers.

BIG ideas are likely to be the centrepiece of this 23 day transit. Don’t be afraid to throw your hat into the ring if you have something that you’d like to share at work or other areas of your life.

This is your chance to shine and be heard!

Venus in Leo loves love and all of the charms and trinkets that go with it. This is a very much “I need to be the centre of your attention” transit, one that can be quite exhausting for the person needing to give all the attention.

One of the lessons of Venus in Leo is that we cannot be adored or catered to 24/7.

Sometimes we need to go within and give that love to ourselves by filling up our own cup and engaging in activities that light up our hearts.

Venus in Leo can derive great pleasure from anything that has elements of dramatic flair, such as attending the theatre, the opera, engaging in creative pursuits, or taking our inner child out for a play date to the park or the movies.

In matters of romance, if you are the one doing the pursuing or being pursued, just remember to see others for who they are. This transit can have us so hyped up on love feelings that we jump into mismatched pairings.

Have fun by all means yet trust your gut-as per the message of Neptune above.

The Sun in Leo encourages us to be fun loving, affectionate, enjoy life, and spend time being with those we love and doing what we love.

If you have been hiding away with the Cancer energy, the Sun ruled Leo encourages you to dust yourself off and start to shine your light out in the world again.
The Sun in Leo corresponds with the sabbat of Imbolc in the southern hemisphere and represents the seeds of spring beginning to stir in the belly of Mother Earth. This is where we start to see the signs of new life forming and the promise of what’s to come.

On the 5th/6th of July (depending on your time zone), the New Moon will be at 14 degrees of Cancer.

Our attentions turn to our home and family and there may be a new beginning of sorts in this area of our lives.

If there has been conflict or a disconnect within the family unit, now is the time to reach out and make amends and reconnect.

Cancer reminds us to look after ourselves as well as others. If you have been a bit slack with self-love and nurturing yourself, now is the time to bring some nourishment back into your life on a physical and emotional level.

This lunation can also indicate changes around the home such as renovations or family members coming to stay.

However the situation unfolds for you, know that this New Moon can be beneficial in bringing people back together and healing the family lines.

Mars moves into cerebral Gemini on the same day that the second Capricorn Full Moon takes place.

The combination of this planet and sign can encourage us to become highly driven and assertive in the realm of communication and ideas, intellect becomes highly important, and our conversations with others are full of wit and enthusiasm. There is a strong sense here of needing to get one’s point across, and dare I say, even becoming opinionated.

This transit may bring a welcome respite from the foggy Neptune energy-as we feel as if our mental faculties have returned, albeit only temporarily.

On the flipside, we may feel incredibly frustrated if we can’t quite get a grasp on our ideas and thoughts.

Learning and keeping our brain active with word games such as crosswords or word searches can help channel some of the restless energy that may arise with this placement.

We can also derive great benefit from exercising and releasing pent up thoughts and feelings in a safe way.

A friendly debate with others can also be a great way to channel the high octave energy that this transit can bring.

Keep a notepad handy throughout this phase as you may want to jot down ideas and downloads that come into your consciousness. Even if they don’t make sense now, they may make sense or even take form towards the end of the year when the Full Moon in Gemini blesses us with her illuminating light.

As the month draws to a close we have the second Capricorn Full Moon of the year.

The last one took place at 1 degree on June the 22nd, this one rises at 29 degrees on July the 21st.

There’s that anaretic degree again. The one that often represents a crisis point or a sense of urgency.

If you cast your mind back to the FM in June you can get a sense of what this FM may hold for you.

What came up for you around that time? What areas of your life were in the spotlight?

If it was your 7th house for example, this FM will be directly encouraging you to make decisions around a relationship or multiple relationships. Perhaps it will bring to light something that you were unaware of, or it will prompt you to bring something to completion.

The last FM kind of gave us a preview of what was to come. This FM is asking us to put whatever that is into action.

If I come back to the traditional themes of Capricorn, this will be around career, purpose, how we turn up in the public world and the long term goals that we have for ourselves.

This is a time of taking practical action. Get a plan happening for the next 6-12 months and bring some form to what you would like to see unfold.

There is a sense of urgency around this FM, so we may feel a little stressed.

Take a deep breath, ground yourself, and do what you can to take the steps towards where you would like to be.

Mercury moving into Virgo on the 26th of July can help us to become more detail oriented and practical in our outlook. Virgo loves to get organised and write lists.

Use this time to declutter both externally and mentally (kick out everything living rent free in your mind), and jot down what you would like to achieve and how you are going to do it.

Start small if you need to. There can be great satisfaction in crossing off a “to-do” task. It can help us feel like we are in charge of our own ship-regardless of what’s happening outside of us.

And that my friends is July in a snapshot.

Well, it’s a bit longer than a snapshot. If you have made it this far, well done!

I wish you lashings of cosmic blessings as we traverse this most interesting of times.

May you all find your inner lighthouse to lead you home.

Warm wishes,


krishna dodds astrology
— Krishna Dodds
July 2024
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