Mars Retrograde: Pulling back an angry dog
‘Skyvibe’ Astrology Forecast for July 2018
Welcome to the second half of the year! Wow can you believe we are half way through 2018 already!!
Jo’s taking a break from SkyVibe this month so you have my take for July.
The two biggies for the month are Mars retrograde plus a Partial Solar and Total Lunar Eclipse. We actually have 3 eclipses back to back this time around with another partial Solar on August 11.
Mars began its retrograde motion on June 26th at 9 Aquarius and keeps backtracking until it turns direct on August 28 at 28 Capricorn. It trips back into Capricorn on August 14.
Mars retrogrades for an average of 70 days give or take a week or so either side every 2 years. The last Mars retrograde was April 17- June 29 2016 through Sagittarius/Scorpio.
Mars is the least likely planet to take retrogrades well. Being such an active, forceful energy, it feels like pulling back an angry dog or trying to put the breaks on a steam train. It takes more effort than usual to harness and contain this planet but during a retrograde period this is what needs to be done.
If you force things during this time it may feel like you are accelerating with the hand break on. Putting extra exertion or speed over the next couple of months may feel a little more challenging that usual so for your own sake and to save any frustration its best you pull back a little and plan rather than act.
Retrograde planets are reversing over territory they have just transited, so it feels like there is a need to retrace your steps and go back over anything that may have been left undone, unresolved or maybe just pick up on something that you may have missed the first time around.
On a more personal level you may have to revisit a lesson you didn’t learn properly and now it is your chance to reflect, redo or rectify it, hopefully making better choices.
Because it is Mars it will have something to do with your will-power or your desires not being met. This could include a clash or maybe even a combat of sorts. This doesn’t necessarily mean you have to go back to fight more, but it could mean there was something about your personal wants that may have been thwarted in some way and it’s time to go back and own them.
At the other extreme you may have been too much of a steamroller and it could be a good idea to return and take a different tack, possibly at a more controlled or deliberate pace.
Another instance could be a knee jerk or impulsive reaction that was played out in the heat of the moment and now you are feeling the repercussions. The retrograde could be about backtracking and redoing it or at least correcting it in some way.
Transiting retrogrades of the personal planets always have a feeling of reflection, revision, double checking, trying again or doing it better so keep this in mind with the area of your chart where Mars is currently retrograding.
The Eclipse’s for this month are a Partial Solar Eclipse on July 13 at 20 Cancer and a Total Lunar Eclipse in the early hours of July 28 (Sydney time) at 4 Aquarius.
This Solar Eclipse in Cancer is in exact opposition to Pluto at 20 Capricorn. This turns up the volume quite noticeably. If you have planets conjunct 20 degrees Capricorn or Cancer particularly the Sun or Moon the next 12 months will be a year of closing down and a re-emergence of sorts.
Eclipses have a ‘ending and beginning’ effect to them naturally, but with a New Moon opposing Pluto this change will be even more potent. If you don’t have planets at those degrees check out the house axis in your chart that contain 20 Cancer/Capricorn ‘cos on a much subtler level they will feel the effect in some way.
The Total Lunar Eclipse of July 28 Sydney time (July 27 in most of the world) is conjunct the retrograde Mars and square Uranus.
People with planets conjunct 4 degrees of the fixed signs (Aquarius, Taurus, Leo and Scorpio) will be affected and the next 12 months or so will feel like a shake-up.
The Full Moon has a sense fruition, of going as far as you can go. Whether it be a feeling of accomplishment or giving up on flogging a dead horse. There is a change here that needs to occur.
The retrograde Mars effect has you reversing and possibly doing a 3 point turn to re orient yourself and to re calibrate where you are heading.
The Uranus square cracks something open taking your outside your old habitual thinking, behaviour and stale objectives and awakens you anew by exposing further possibilities.
This could have you planning a whole new point of attack by re motivating and getting new juices flowing.
If you are resistant to this change it could shake the ground beneath you so its best that you just get on the bus.
Remember the planets won’t make you do anything. The choice is always in your hands. They will provide the wave for you to ride, how you surf it is up to you
– Marc Laurenson
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