Q. What is a planet ‘Out of Bounds’?
A. The ecliptic, (which is the path that the Sun makes around the earth as we orbit it) is like a diagonal headband that extends just over 23 degrees above and below the equator. The Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn lie at each end. Planets in their orbit stay mostly within the bounds of this path. Occasionally planets in the declination (latitudinal movements) move just above or below this 23-degree arc. This is when they are called Out of Bounds. Out of Bounds planets are a workshop within themselves so explaining them fully is too much just for this question, but what I can say is they do tend to have a rather radical flavour about them. Sometimes acting on their own accord without restraint. It can seem like that planet has a mind of its own and can often be a little challenging to contain. I feel out of bounds planets have to push themselves beyond social norms, to express individually and be used in ways that stretch the person to take chances, own its autonomy and to brave up.
Q. When is the Moon ‘Void of Course’?
A. The Moon is called Void of Course when it makes no aspects to any other planets before it moves into the next sign.
It takes approximately 27.3 days for the Moon to transit the chart, spending approximately 2.2 days in each sign. During that time, it is making aspects to all other planets in the sky. Here we are only talking about the Ptolemaic aspects (conjunction, opposition, square and trine) Once it has made its last aspect and before it transits into the next sign it is not in strong contact with any planetary vibration within the solar system. Because the Moon is a responder and receiver it is not being impinged upon so it feels like it is floating dormant. This can be particularly useful in Traditional and Electional Astrology when there is a need to plan or make decisions. If you want a clear and definite answer to a question or decision it is best not to do it when the Moon is Void of Course.
Q. What are important ages with the Uranus cycle?
A. Uranus takes 84 years to transit the whole chart so if you do live to that age and beyond Uranus would have made every aspect possible.
The hard aspects from the outer planets, that are the opposition and square as well as the conjunction are looked on in Astrology as powerful times particularly when a planet like Uranus is affecting the Sun and the Moon.
In the Uranus cycle itself the squares and opposition occur at ages where you divide 84 x 4 bringing them into 21 year increments, meaning the ages of 21, 42, 63 and 84 are all very important years for the Uranian effect and major turnarounds in one’s life.
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