What are the Lunar Nodes, do they take physical form like planets or are they something else?
The Lunar Nodes (or Nodes of the Moon) are not physical entities at all but actual points. They are the intersecting points of both the Ecliptic (the Suns path around Earth) and the Moons orbital path around us. The Ecliptic is tilted approx 23.4 degrees above and below our Equator. The Moons orbit is tilted appox 5.1 degrees above and below the Ecliptic. The exact point where the Moons Orbit crosses the Ecliptic going beneath is the South Node. The exact point where the Moons orbit crosses the Ecliptic rising up is the North Node. They are always exactly opposite each other to the fraction of a degree by sign and house.
Why does Scorpio get such a bad rap in pop Astrology often it is made to be like Darth Vadar.
Scorpio is an incredibly powerful sign; it has the power to change things on a deeply transformative level. Scorpios objective is to be emotionally fearless and invincible with a power that does not allow anything to intimidate it. To achieve this result Scorpio must now enter the land of the uncontrollable, where its power can be threatened and its fear can reach great depths. Why the need to become powerful if you are not feeling powerless to begin with? Scorpio must now enter the dark and play in the pits of emotional intensity. Sex, death, money, other peoples stuff, the occult, secrets, life’s mysteries and areas where it feels out of control are all part of Scorpios path to transformation. Yes, Scorpio can fall into patterns of manipulation, control, power games, revenge and destruction just to survive, yet Scorpio at its most aware has the power of the shaman, wizard and resurrector. Scorpio is the power of total rebirth. No other sign can match it.
Where are your parents found in the chart?
This is a tricky one and will depend on the chart as a whole. It will also depend on how much your parents have influenced your life. Traditionally the Moon is Mother but this could also be any other area where you may find nurturance and love. Classically the Sun or Saturn denote Father, but again this could also mean other people of authority and bigness and is particularly where you need to learn these traits. The 4th and 10th house can carry the parents effect. The 10th as the shaping parent generally Mother and the 4th the background parent usually Father. I have found that the 4th is very strong with the Father for girls. The 4th is mainly the family environment in general. You really need to look at these signatures within the context of the whole chart to see where the parents could play their part as everyone’s experiences with parents are all very different.
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