New Moon in Sagittarius
New Moon @ 15 degrees of Sagittarius:
7th December
5.21 PM QLD
6.21 PM Sydney
7.21 AM London
2.21 AM New York
I love that the last New Moon of the year is in the buoyant sign of Sagittarius!! Let’s face it… it’s been a tough 12 months thanks mainly to Jupiter in Scorpio and a few other planetary transits along the way.
Yet now as we prepare to farewell 2018, the tides seemed to have turned somewhat. Jupiter has moved into its home sign of Sagittarius for the first time in 12 years, Mercury turns direct on the same day as the New Moon and clears the shadow phase on Christmas Day, Venus clears her shadow phase on December 18th (helping us to become clearer about our relationships and what we truly value in life), and we have a beautiful conjunction between Mars and Neptune, also on the same day as the New Moon. It’s like a little treat to say goodbye to the year that was, and to give us hope for what is to come.
The New Moon offers us the opportunity to reset. To clear the decks of whatever has gone before us, and to set new goals, wishes and dreams. There is harmony between the masculine (Sun) and the feminine (Moon), which brings balance to our intuitive and logical sides.
This is a time of beginning new projects and feeling eager to achieve our goals. There’s excitement in the air and enthusiasm for what’s to come-this comes in a double dose thanks to the presence of Jupiter.
Use the New Moon in Sagittarius to plant your seeds of intention for broadening your minds horizon, for increased faith, positivity and optimism, for seeking meaning and how you fit into the bigger picture of life’s tapestry, the quest for truth, spontaneity, adventure, higher guidance, exploration and travel, study, legal issues and finding solutions.
Mercury turning direct on the same day as the New Moon gives us the chance to become clear about what it is that we would like to see come to fruition during the next month. As Mercury is in the sign of Scorpio, there is a sense of a strong emotional connection to our wishes and a desire to transform the way we perceive the world and our personal situations, so that we can heal from them and invite in the new.
The Mars Neptune conjunction that becomes exact on the day of the New Moon supports us in imagining our dreams to life. Here we can use the action-oriented energy of Mars to will them into being. Neptune connects us to the spiritual and the unseen, while Mars adds a nice dose of “get up and go”. This aspect holds the energy of the spiritual warrior, so it will be interesting to see how it unfolds both personally and collectively. There is a chance that we can take off into the stratosphere or be pulled into a sea of unhealthy choices with this aspect; so take time to ground yourself and look after your well-being.
The dark moon phase that occurs right before the New Moon is a perfect time to release anything that isn’t supporting your journey forward. Reflect upon what is standing in your way and make a conscious effort to let it go.
So, there we have it! I feel excited writing this article. I can feel the enthusiasm coursing through my body.
I know that change isn’t always easy-yet with Jupiter on our side it is going to be a whole lot more enjoyable.
New Moon Blessings
Krishna Dodds
Awaken Your Inner Wisdom

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