Dream before Christmas
‘Skyvibe’ Astrology Forecast for December 2018
By Ingrid Anderson
December began with an upbeat burst of Sagittarian energy. We are still vibing on the back of the Sun-Jupiter-Mercury conjunction that happened on 27 Nov, where spirits were high and anything felt possible. This marked a collective sigh of relief after the extended period of heavy soul searching over the last year while Jupiter has been in Scorpio. As has been discussed previously, this period saw the #metoo movement, Harvey Weinstein and numerous other abuses of power being exposed. And no doubt on a personal level everyone experienced one or two of their own hard truths coming to light.
Just in case there is still one more diamond to dredge from the murk, fear not, retrograding Mercury has just dipped back into Scorpio (1 Dec) giving us an opportunity to revisit our shadows this week and look at ourselves with unflinching clarity. With Venus also in Scorpio for the whole month, its almost like a remedial class, a chance to dig in the depths of power plays and intense situations one last time before we kick up our heels & charge our glasses for the holiday season.
This week there are a number of astrological happenings that culminate in it being an excellent time to make your New Years Resolutions.
Around the 4 – 7 December, Sun-Jupiter in Sagittarius makes a square to Mars-Neptune in Pisces. With the Sun conjuncting Jupiter in its own sign of Sagittarius, here we have this surge of uplifting, hopeful, optimistic energy giving us big ideas. A big picture view of our landscape is being made available to us.
And then we have quite a different energy, although complementary in many ways; Mars-Neptune in Pisces, is highly imaginative, we find our minds following day dreams and coming back with gems. This is creative inspiration, it wants to dance and the urge to escape is strong. For some it might fire up the intuitive faculties. For others it might motivate us to take compassionate action, donate Christmas hampers to charity. These two energies are in square so we must be careful to not loose touch with reality all together or over do it whilst riding this wave… but what a fabulous opportunity to envision a new year!
And as we know, with these happenings in the sky it helps to have an anchor to bring it into our lives… so if you have planets in mid degrees mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) you will be feeling these energies strongly. For those who don’t, there is nothing stopping us from consciously making use of this time.
This Friday 7 Dec sees the end of the Mercury retrograde period. Mercury stations 8.22am AEST and turns direct at 27 degrees Scorpio. A welcome relief for those who have been experiencing clunky correspondence and just in time for the world-wide conveyor belt of online Christmas shopping to move forward smoothly.
On the same day at 6.21pm AEST we have a New Moon at 15 degrees Sagittarius. The Sabian symbol for Sagittarius 16: Sea gulls fly around a ship looking for food. This pictures a situation of dependence, sometimes co-dependence. Don’t look to others for opportunities and nourishment, as you will miss the chance of being creative and truly independent. Sagittarius always urges us to look up, look further afield, and quest for something greater, to be something greater. Now is a time for envisioning, we can act on these resolutions when the Capricorn energy comes into play at the end of this month.
On 14 Dec Mercury moves into Sagittarius joining Sun & Jupiter once again allowing us to bring things out into the open.
On Dec 20 the Sun moves into square with Chiron, this might bring up some issue or wound from the past around loss that needs to be looked at. Chiron turned direct on 8 Dec and so there is the urge to move on and heal, thanks to the Sun’s illumination on the issue. A new found freedom may be experienced on the back of this as the Sun moves into a trine with Uranus on 21 Dec.
Summer Solstice (in the southern hemisphere) occurs on 21 December. It’s the longest day of sunlight of the year and a powerful solstice it will be, as not only do we get to cut loose with the Sun trining Uranus, we have the Sagittarian enthusiasm of Mercury having caught up to Jupiter, and Venus forming a beautiful trine with magical Neptune. This is certainly a time to be spent with dear friends and our lover, I’m picturing romance and frivolity… and maybe a wee hangover!
The energy shifts gears and comes back to reality on 22 Dec as the Sun changes sign and moves into Capricorn. We turn our attention to preparing for the traditions of Christmas, the duty of hunting and gathering and making sure things are ship shape, all in preparation for the big day.
23 Dec at 4.48am the Full Moon at 0 degrees Cancer, a powerful cardinal point of the zodiac. and what a beautifully timed full Moon it is, as it shines a light on our flock, and on caring and nurturing those we love. The Sabian symbol for Cancer 1 is ‘On a Ship Sailors Lower an Old Flag and Raise a New One’. This signals a real turning point, a symbolic expression of a change of loyalties or alliances. Interesting times, given the proximity to Christmas, changes within the family dynamic are afoot.
An interesting occurrence for the end of December is the Sun will be catching up with Saturn, in its own sign of Capricorn. The conjunction happens on 2 Jan 2019, although we will be feeling the impetus strongly after holidays are said and done to get back into it and to make some of that envisioning we were doing earlier, a reality!
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May you feel the Cancerian warmth of belonging this Christmas as you gather around the dining table or the barbeque.
Thank you all for being a part of Sydney Astrology School this year. Have a fabulous Christmas!
— Ingrid Anderson
December 2018

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