Wake me up when September ends!!

‘Skyvibe’ Astrology Forecast for September 2023

By Krishna Dodds.


September starts with a whopping six planets in retrograde motion; with Jupiter joining the party on the 5th of September.

Thankfully, personal planets, Mercury and Venus will station direct on the 5th and 16th of September consecutively.

What does this all mean I hear you ask!

Is this the reason that everything feels topsy-turvy and like the carpet has been ripped from beneath my feet? Possibly… this depends on you, your natal chart, and how you approach challenges and obstacles.

A planet in backwards motion is an illusion. It isn’t really moving in reverse motion. The planet appears to be travelling backwards due to our perspective here on earth.

Our lives may feel as they are back tracking during a retrograde period or six-yet in reality they are not.

I believe that the retrograde periods can bring to our attention experiences and situations that require further enquiry.

When our energy turns within (which it often does during a retrograde period), we can identify the areas in ourselves and our lives that are no longer in alignment with who we are.

We can also receive insights into how to better certain aspects of our worlds by taking stock of what is and isn’t working. Some areas may require a small do-over, while others are calling for a shake up of a bigger kind.

September starts with Venus moving into direct motion on the 5th of September.

Venus has been in retrograde motion since the 24th of July and may have brought discontent and questioning within the areas of finances and relationships.

Once Venus is in direct motion, we should start to feel an improvement within our dynamics with others and have a clearer outlook on where or how we would like to channel our energy to receive financial abundance.

By October the 7th, there should be more clarity around the themes that the Venus retrograde period brought up for us, and how we can implement positive solutions and actions moving forward.

This will be supported by the Solar Eclipse in Venus ruled Libra that takes place one week later, as we will be able to double down on our manifestations and subsequent new beginnings.

Jupiter turns retrograde the same day that Venus turns direct. As Jupiter is forming a square to Venus, there may be a few days where we feel a bit blah and unmotivated.

It can be very easy to feel lazy and stuck while these two planets face off in this challenging aspect.

On top of this, the Jupiter retrograde can have us feeling like our enthusiasm has waned and that we need to turn within for a period of reflection and self-examination.

We may question our beliefs and start to rely more on our intuition throughout this phase.

As Jupiter is in Taurus, anything that we put our energy into will need to be grounded in reality and offer solid proof that there is a benefit to what we are engaging in.

This is a time of gaining a practical perspective and trusting your inner wisdom.

Let yourself slow down by all means-yet if you feel yourself falling into a downwards spiral, find ways to shake it off and raise your vibration by dancing, listening to upbeat music, stimulating your senses of practicing a hobby.

Remember that moods are fleeting and that they will pass if we allow them to.

The New Moon @ 22 degrees of Virgo takes place on the 15th of September, one day before Mercury leaves its retrograde phase.

This New Moon will help us to “get real” about our lives and reflect upon how we can clean the slate and start anew.

The Virgo lunation injects newness into the areas of health and how our daily tasks and rituals are supporting us.

If you have been feeling a little chaotic and like you’ve been burning the candle at both ends, now’s the time to get organised and start making solid plans regarding how you can level up in the areas I mentioned above.

The end of Mercury retrograde in Virgo will support us in bringing focus to the parts of our worlds that need them and establishing order and helpful routines.

This is a perfect time to start a practice that helps you to regulate your nervous system and soothe the overly analytical and worrying mind that the Virgo energy can often bring.

Modalities that help ground your energy in your physical body are a great place to start.

Qi gong, breathwork, and progressive muscle relaxation meditations are just some of the ways to achieve this.

They can be particularly helpful to help us to stay in our own space-especially when Neptune opposes the New Moon and increases emotional and environmental sensitivity, and the possibility of confused feelings.

The Sun moves into Libra on the 24th of September, bringing our focus back to our relationships.

Libra is ruled by the planet Venus (which was recently retrograde), and can support us in bringing resolution to conflict, and the ability to see each other’s point of view.

This is perfect as Venus is still in her shadow phase, which means that we are still sorting things out. Negotiating and bringing solutions to any dramas or misunderstandings.

The Sun in Libra shines the light on how we relate to others and how we can bring equilibrium into our worlds.

If you have been feeling out of balance within yourself or your connections to others, now is the time to find ways to bring the scales back to their centre.

September ends with a feisty Full Moon rising at 6 degrees of Aries on the 29th.

This can indicate that a situation is coming to a head or that something that has been building will now be illuminated.

Aries is the opposite sign of partnership oriented Libra and will bring our attention to our own wants and needs.

There can be conflict between what we desire and what others desire-especially if we are someone who isn’t really true to ourselves and gives into others.

If this is the case, impulsivity, rashness and harshness may come to the fore as we attempt to assert who we are and what we are longing for.

Remember that it is more than ok to be assertive and speak up, yet the line can easily cross into aggression.

Treat others how you wish to be treated. If things become emotionally heightened-temporarily leave the situation until you come back to baseline.

This powerful moon suggests a clearing out of sorts-yet don’t let a moment of impulsivity or ego burn the bridges that are most important to you.

Use the fire element of this Full Moon to help you make decisions that motivate you to be your best self and live your best life.

Wishing you ease and grace as you move through the month of September.
Cosmic blessings,

Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

krishna dodds astrology

— Krishna Dodds
September 2023
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