‘Skyvibe’ Astrology Forecast for July 2019
Total Eclipse of the Heart
July heralds the halfway mark of the year and the foray into the Cancer/Capricorn axis.
Yet before this takes place-Mercury the transmitter of information-begins the retrograde period in the sign of Leo.
Now out of all the transits that could take place, poor old Mercury retrograde is the one I hear copping a beating. I hear Mercury retrograde being blamed for a whole heap of things, when really its main function is to help us re-evaluate, re-focus, and reflect upon what state our minds are in, and how our thoughts are creating our perspective of the world and therefore our experiences. It can also deliver new information to us; information that can show us where we aren’t ready to commit to a certain course of action, sign a document, or that we don’t have all the facts we need to make an informed decision about something.
In Leo, Mercury will likely bring our attention to our love lives, our sense of power and brilliance, our ego, and dare I say it…where we fall short of our own expectations. Be careful of how much you talk yourself up, because you may need to back your words up with action at some point. Be honest in all your dealings, as lies told now may come back to haunt you further down the track. This is a great time to express through creativity, being playful, having fun and being open to new ideas. It’s also a great period to undertake inner child work and heal any wounds that may be lingering in that area of your life.
Now…back to the Cancer and Capricorn energy. Here we encounter experiences that support us in bringing balance to emotional and earthly intelligence and matters pertaining to the home vs our public persona and career.
Most of July sees astrological heavyweight Saturn forming a conjunction with the South Node-both in the sign of Capricorn. This astrological combination brings opportunities that help us in laying to rest traits, conditioning and foundations from our past, that may have once supported us, yet are now causing us to stagnate. Lack of emotion and loneliness makes way for opening the heart and connecting to your clan-who may not always be your biological family.
July 3rd, kicks off with a Solar Eclipse (which can only occur with a New Moon) and points to an 18- month journey that draws our attention to the family, home, where we live the past, renovations, children and parenting matters.
The New Moon in Cancer signifies new beginnings in the abovementioned domains. Sometimes, we are the one’s bringing about the changes, and other times-for reasons we may not even know yet-change has been forced upon.
Either way, each new lunar cycle affords us the opportunity to make decisions and choices that support us in living a life in alignment with our soul and how we move forward from here.
To get a sense of how these themes are playing out in your life, cast your mind back to mid-July last year, when the first Solar Eclipse in this series took place. Now think about whether the choices you’ve made up until this point are supporting you and your family, and whether you may need to make some adjustments.
This New Moon/Solar eclipse holds a very potent energy, so it’s important to be conscious of what we are co-creating with the universe. Be mindful of what you’re focusing your intentions on, and always check in to feel if what you’re starting, wishing for, or manifesting, is for the greatest good of all. With Mercury retrograde in Leo, it can be easy to get so caught up in ourselves that we don’t see how our thoughts and actions are affecting the collective.
On July 17, a Partial Lunar Eclipse takes place at 24 degrees of Capricorn. The Capricorn eclipse story started in January of this year and will reach its completion in July 2020.
To help you better understand how the Lunar Eclipse may show up in your life, reflect upon the wishes and intentions that you made back in January of this year. Considering it was the beginning of 2019, many of you may have set new year intentions that you truly believed you would follow through with.
The upcoming Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse will help you to identify what is worthwhile moving forward with, and what you need to let go of so that you can adjust your focus. Some things will come to a natural culmination, with some of you celebrating the achievement of goals. This will be highly dependent upon what was “planted” on the Capricorn New Moon in January.
The Full Moon is a critical point where we become aware of what is and isn’t working.
Her light illuminates the shadows and brings our attention to what is usually hidden. In Capricorn, this points to our career and life purpose, our ambitions and need for recognition, authority figures, our father’s, and any imbalances between our career and home life.
The tight conjunction of Pluto to the Moon/Eclipse indicates a purging of sorts. Capricorn is not known to be an overly emotional sign, so there may be lots of repressed feelings making their way to the surface during the Full Moon period.
As scary as this may sound, it can also be incredibly cathartic if you allow yourself to “go there”. There is power in connecting to our emotional body and releasing what is no longer of use to us.
The trick is to let it flow through you. Allowing your mind and body to move into its natural response of release. Tears are cleansing and purifying. Holding onto emotions can cause all sorts of damage. Letting them go can lead to an emotional rebirth.
Just three days after the Full Moon, Mercury moves back into the sign of Cancer.
This is where we become in touch with our instinctual nature and the voice within. We start to become softer and rely on our intuition over the monkey mind.
The events of the past few weeks and perhaps even the last six months, start to make sense, as we start to see how our thoughts, habits, behaviours and choices, may not be as healthy as they could be.
We start to think about how we can nourish ourselves and how self-care is paramount if we are to take care of our loved ones and engage in work that is meaningful to us.
Emotions and sensitivities may be heightened, so you may prefer solitude over spending time socialising.
Even though Winter Solstice has passed, we are still predominantly in the dark. The nights are still longer than the days, and we feel called to spend time indoors with good food, our inner circle and creature comforts.
We reflect upon what has come to pass, and how structures that no longer support us-both internally and externally – can be built again, albeit, on much stronger foundations.
And as July draws to an end, and Imbolc draws near, we sense the stirring of new life on earth and the return of the light.
— Krishna Dodds
July 2019
Awaken Your Inner Wisdom
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