Me, you, us!
‘Skyvibe’ Astrology Forecast for August 2023
By Maradeva.
August is full of potential for growth, self-awareness, self-reflection and healing, we are straight into the deep end, as the month starts off in the midst of Pluto in Capricorn squaring the lunar nodes in Aries and Libra soothed by Venus retrograde in a trine with the north node. Though the lunar nodes changed signs on July 18th, the square from Pluto is keeping them very much activated as we navigate this new energy. The south node in Libra is helping us let go of relationships that do not support our true selves and our desires and with retrograde Venus in Leo in a trine with the Aries north node at this time, we may find what isn’t working in our relationships coming to the surface to be re-examined so we can move forward. With Pluto in the mix, things can feel extra intense, we are invited to think about the balance of power between ourselves and others, whether we are giving our power away or overpowering others, we are also challenged to go deep and feel in order to discover where we need to make some changes. We are asked to think about how we can live life in a way that lights us up while being mindful of how this affects those we love. For the whole of August, themes representing the balance between me vs us are coming to the surface in a big way, we are going deep to discover what keeps us stuck in relationships with others and any struggles that keep us disempowered and unable to fully follow our passions and live life the way we want to, with Venus retrograde in Leo this entire month until September 3rd/4th, relationships will be a major focus, including our relationship with our selves. Self-love, self-worth, self-esteem, confidence, our creative talents and our personal values are all under the microscope, asking us whether we rely on others to feel happy and fulfilled, all inner work we do on our relationship with ourselves will also help to improve how we relate to others.
On August 2nd (or 1st depending where you are in the world) we have a full moon at 9° Aquarius, which is also a super moon, intensifying how we seek individuality and freedom, illuminating our needs, our passions as well as themes of pride and ego and wanting to be loved that keep us from expressing ourselves authentically, this full moon illuminates our differences and asks us to remember we are special because we are unique, because of what sets us apart from everyone else, we are learning to honour our eccentricity and ponder where we fit in. This full moon comes at a time where we have been focusing on ourselves and our needs and desires and reminds us that there is something larger than us, we are part of something greater, we are part of a group. Jupiter in Taurus is in a square with the full moon which helps us to see things from a higher perspective, it also highlights values and beliefs and asks us to contemplate whether we are standing up for what we believe in and living our truth. It is a good time to ask ourselves how we can use our unique gifts, our light and what we stand for to help heal those outside of ourselves. The traditional ruler of Aquarius, Saturn, currently in Pisces is in an opposition with Mercury in Virgo at the time of the full moon, this can bring up themes and perhaps issues in communication and expression, it’s time to think seriously about how we serve others and whether it aligns with who we are as well as the greater good. Use this time to find the balance between focusing on the details and the big picture, think of the long term with all things relating to communication, if it feels overwhelming write it all down, make a plan to do one thing at a time! Our thoughts are highlighted around this full moon, how does our thinking get in the way of feeling? Or vice versa? How can we balance the heart and the head? This is a great time to let go of thoughts and perspectives, especially relating to pride and the ego that get in the way of us expressing our true selves. We all have a unique gift to share with the collective so why hold back? Celebrate your uniqueness!
Mars in Virgo is also trine Jupiter in Taurus so it can be an auspicious time to get your stuff together and move forward with optimism and hope, we may find it is easier to act on opportunities, values and beliefs at this time and anything started around this full moon may prove to be successful if you are willing to act, fine-tune and persevere!
August 7th can feel a little tense in terms of how we express ourselves and our values as the Sun in Leo squares Jupiter in Taurus, we may find it easier to go a little more over the top at this time or overdo something, take a moment to think it through before acting and check on your ego before making big decisions especially regarding creative expression and finances, remember moderation but also stay open to opportunities!
On August 10th, Uranus in Taurus will square retrograde Venus in Leo; We may find we are challenged by others and their values in unexpected ways, this is a great time to sit with what comes up and ponder how we can break free from the expectations others may have on us if it prevents us from doing what we love and being who we authentically are. We may find we are tested in the stability of our relationships and finances around this time, but this offers as a chance to become awake to any issues relating to love, finances, creativity, values and personal expression so we can work through them and heal
On August 13th we have a Sun-Venus conjunction at 20° Leo which is also in a trine with Chiron the wounded healer, this brings some light energy into quite an intense few weeks, we can feel quite creative and find solutions to issues we have been pondering if we are willing to go inwards, this can be a very healing day if we are willing to do the work, it’s a great opportunity to contemplate and work on how we are wounded in our relationships with others and ourselves, how our wounds in general prevent us from experiencing happiness and purpose, so we can shift these with love and gentleness. It’s also a day where we can feel good about ourselves and where we are at, doing something that fills you with joy and contentment, doing something for you, can be a nice way to spend the day!
The new moon at 23° Leo on August 16th is conjunct Venus Rx. Both the new moon and Venus are also squaring off with Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus. This is a time to contemplate and begin to set intentions around creativity, self-love, self-worth, confidence, joy, passion but also with relationships, and to ask ourselves whether we hold ourselves back because we feel too different. Our values are highlighted as well as our finances, do we honour our own values? How can we break away from the values others have placed on us and live life in a more purposeful way? Venus Rx being in a square with Jupiter (exact on the 22nd) asks us if there are any relationships or relationship patterns, we need to move away from that do not support who we really are, what do you value in your connections with others? It’s time to think about what really excites you, how can you incorporate more of that into your life? How can you live life with more heart? Mars is in a trine with Uranus at the time of the new moon so it can be a great time to take action on anything innovative and out of the box that also lights you up or at least plan to!
On the 23rd, the Sun enters Virgo bringing our attention to practicality, service, usefulness, health and routine; It’s a great season to get organised, refine your methods, have a spring clean and do some planning! However Mars in Virgo is opposite Neptune in Pisces on this day so it can feel a little harder to get things off the ground or find direction, go easy. Some hours later, Mercury stations retrograde at 21° Virgo so we will spend the next 3 weeks going back over all Virgoan themes! We are encouraged to slow down, go inward, reflect, revise and reevaluate, to restructure our day to day, to pause and look over the details and correct any mistakes before moving forward, if you face delays during the next 3 weeks, know that they are occurring to re-align you with a better way forward and better timing!
The 26th can feel a little slow as the Sun is in opposition to Saturn in Pisces; We may find we feel blocked or opposed by forces outside of ourselves, perhaps a little flat or overwhelmed, but this just means we need to slow down, surrender and move forward once we have fine-tuned what we are doing and once the obstacles on our path clear, which they will.
If relationships weren’t in focus enough this month they will be highlighted yet again when Mars enters Libra on August 28th, we may find it more difficult to be direct and decisive however we can get our point across in a more polite, diplomatic way while being aware of the needs of others. We are learning to find the balance between being assertive and diplomatic while Mars journeys through the sign of the scales, if we have been experiencing conflicts with others, we may find that compromise and understanding is the best way forward and may be open to finding a way to problem solve that is fair and just.
On the 29th Uranus begins it’s retrograde motion and on the 31st, the month closes with another super Full Moon at 7° degrees of the watery, imaginative sign of Pisces. This would normally be an emotional one but Saturn is in conjunction with the moon encourages us to find some structure and rationality to what we feel, which helps to ground the big energies we are experiencing and see our lives from a realistic perspective as well as a higher one, this doesn’t mean we should cut off from feeling our emotions but it can be beneficial to make sense of them at this time. This full moon can be extra good for letting go as Pisces is associated with endings, Saturn in conjunction with the full moon asks us to let go of any ways we have been playing the victim and to decide to take charge of our lives, to find the balance between control and going with the flow and to let go of past mistakes and any burdens or heavy weights that are no longer ours to carry.
So there we have it! August; A month jam packed with big cosmic teachings, self-discovery and deep healing, though it can feel pretty wild, we are our own main character so it is totally up to us to determine which path is best for us to take! You are ready for positive change, you deserve it! I hope you all have a beautiful August xx
Blessings x

— Maradeva
August 2023
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