The Lunar Eclipse on April 4th is at 14 Libra, opposing Uranus and square Pluto. This eclipse to me feels almost like a last hoorah for the 2 ‘big guns’ as they begin to separate from their square aspect that has been a major astrological theme for the past 4 years.
Libra the sign of balance and harmony is now emotionally exposed by this eclipse so the need to attain some kind of peace through this aspect now becomes very real.
Libra understands duality and paradox, so the Moon must now find a space within itself where it feels safe with incorporating both ends of the scale. We live in a world of opposites, good and bad, night and day, yin and yang. This eclipse could be a rather emotional resolving on this level.
To find a sense of inner peace in our lives, this eclipse makes us realise that opposites do exist and are an essential part of our earthly experience. To incorporate contrast into our lives without fear and by getting over the fact that things have to all be one way or the other is imperative for our growth. This will be hugely transformational and freeing especially for those who have planets in the mid degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.
April Fool’s Day sees 2 planets changing sign. Mercury moves into the assertive sign of Aries, while Aries ruler Mars slows down a tad in the more cultivating sign of Taurus.
Here we see the mind begin to speed up and there is a need to get things moving in all areas of communication and the transporting of information.
Acting on your thoughts may seem a little more impulsive than usual and decision making could be done on the spot. This energy is advantageous; particularly with things you could be procrastinating with or holding back on.
The Aries Mercury will activate the mind with a need to get stuff done, yet be aware of jumping in too rashly as Mars has just trekked into Taurus so a bit of deliberation could come in handy.
To handle this combo well it could be a good idea to act directly and decisively yet only after making sure all bases are covered and you do have a plan B if needed.
Mercury then joins Mars in Taurus on the 15th consolidating any decisions made. Here the mind becomes more focused and determined ready to hone and preserve your ideas, giving them more tangible form.
Venus swans into Gemini on the 12th, becoming slightly more chatty and social. This can be helpful with any buying/selling and networking. There could also be a need to secure yourself with becoming more informed by gathering info that could assist you with communicating your ideas or with any social interactions.
Sprawling Jupiter turns direct on the 9th allow a more expressive flow with learning, expanding and your self-assurance level in general. You could feel a little more confident, even optimistic with life by recognising the glass half full.
The New Moon on the 19th at 28 Aries is totally unaspected. This means it has no challenge or support from the rest of the Solar System so it is basically running its own show which just happens to be right up Aries alley.
Seed planting for the month ahead needs to be all about what you want. Make sure you are doing things for yourself and by yourself. This is about getting your needs and desires met so be wilful, assertive and look after number 1.
Always remember the planets won’t make you do anything. The choice is always in your hands. They will provide the wave for you to ride how you surf it is totally up to you.
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