Q. My mother has trouble believing in past lives. Is there another way of explaining what the nodal energy means?
A. Who knows exactly what a past life is. The most common understanding is a reincarnation of consciousness from one vehicle (body) to the next, yet who can truly say that that is the only way the Lunar Nodes work. Often in readings I will have clients say ‘this is my grandfather’s story’ or my mother experienced exactly this as a child, so in a way that is a past life transmitted down to you in genetic code for you to work out, a little like a relay batten in a race. Also, there is a theory we are like mascots of a collective issue, for example needing to heal the pain for every woman who lost a husband at war leaving them to bring up a family alone. There are many theories and it may not be a one size fits all outfit and anyway it is not essential for her to believe in anything that makes her feel uncomfortable. It’s probably best to just say it’s something that you were born with.
Q. I have the Moon on the Ascendant in Cancer and find it rather challenging to really assert myself in life. Would this be the issue?
A. It may not be the only component as there could be other things in your chart that speak to this but it would definitely play a big role. The Moon in Cancer is highly sensitised and can often feel quite vulnerable. It looks for emotional security and place to belong. On the Ascendant, it can feel very exposed so its shell could become even tougher. With this placement, you go out into life heart first with a strong protective mechanism, so it is probably best if you can find a way to enact your identity where the Moon can be proactive rather than reactive. Being able to heal, love and care in a way that feels right for you will be a good way to express the Moon without feeling too defensive.
Q. Is the Midheaven only about career?
A. The Midheaven (MC) is your public role, how you are seen by the world and your public responsibility in a certain way. This does not just entail your vocation but more like the path you walk or the role you play on life’s big stage. The role of a mother, a guru and the town drunk can also be your public role or persona. There is a sense of achievement and mastery on any level associated with the MC as well as your reputation, recognition and where you are heading on the path to your purpose. Planets and signs on the MC can also tell you what you will need to incorporate into your being to access the kind of vocation you may want to attain.
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