What is a semi square?
Semi Square is categorised as a minor Aspect.
It belongs to the 8th harmonic aspect family. This means if you cut the Zodiacal circle into 8 slices you will get the conjunction, opposition, squares, semi squares and sesquiquadrates.
These aspects are called ‘hard’ or ‘difficult’ aspects and pose challenges for you to overcome for your self-development and growth.
The semi square is exactly that, half a square with planets being 45 degrees away from each other, give or a take a couple of degrees. Interpreting semi squares can feel much like the friction of a square often at a lesser degree, but it will depend on the planets involved as well as other aspects to where the intensity volume is actually pitched.
You must remember the ‘lessons’ learnt from the hard aspects are always the most important with getting closer to your joy.
The 5th house is about creativity, children, falling in love, gambling, sex, self-expression. It seems to cover quite a variety of things. It can get rather confusing.
Do you notice a common denominator between all the things you have mentioned……???
It is the joy of life and the expression of love through who you are. Everything you stated brings you joy. It’s about co creating with life and shining its light.
This can go very wrong as well, if played by unaware people who look for their buzz in all the wrong places or search for love to fulfil their desperation or addictions.
We overlook this house through our attention on work, money and taking life too seriously but it will need to come out somehow. It is imperative for our happiness.
My energy levels are really low at the moment what planet could be causing this?
To begin with no planet affect your body unless you are resisting their vibration and what they are trying to tell you.
Your body will signal you when you are pushing up stream again the natural flow.
Resisting the energy of any planet can affect your vitality and I would have to look at your chart and ask you a few questions about the areas you may be feeling uncomfortable with.
If this energy low is recent it could be the resistance to the Mars retrograde. This is a time to stop fighting with life, stop revving the car with the handbrake on and take things slow and steady. You could be pushing too hard trying to make things happen when it may not be their time. Relax, take 5, be patient you may find you have more energy when you stop trying.
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