After an 11-week stint in Sagittarius, Mars has now gone back into Scorpio.
Mars retrograded into Scorpio on May 28th trekking back to 23 degrees and then stationing direct on June 30th. It continues its forward motion until August 3 when it finally moves back into Sagittarius.
Traditionally Mars rules Scorpio, yet in Modern times the prize of rulership has gone to Pluto. I tend to look at both, Mars being the more personally driven expression of the sign whilst Pluto carries its more transformational underpinnings on a deeper psychological level.
Mars is arguably the planet that least enjoys its retrograde sojourn. Pulling back on its need for activity and energy can often feel like accelerating with the hand brake on and may feel frustrating for the ‘get up and go’ types.
Yet the interesting thing with Mars in Scorpio is that its usual overt nature is now taken inward internalising and trying to find its way in the dark. The retrograde motion also supports this notion, retreating back into a deeper form of revision, contemplation and introspection.
We may need to focus on how we use our Mars and become conscious of some major changes in this area. Are we playing ‘chicken’ too scared to make anything happen and feeling hunted by the red planet? or are we abusing our Mars with ‘loose cannon’ outbursts and indirect aggression usually caused by not having your Mars desires met.
Mars in Scorpio has a feeling of eating away at you from the inside out until you address the issue. It’s the internal warrior deep with your psyche ready to fight things that aren’t really there like your dreads, phobias and internal enemies.
As Mars retrogrades through Scorpio it gives you another chance to look truthfully at how you betray your needs through pointless fears and ‘made up’ threats. This is the perfect time to unplug the power that others and life have over you. To brave up, be courageous and extinguish the inner demons that keep you frozen.
This will be the perfect springboard to expand and explore life when Mars moves back into Sagittarius in August.
Check out what house and aspects are being affected in your chart for the full picture. Be truthful with yourself and be ready for the change.
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