Moving forward
‘Skyvibe’ Astrology Forecast for November 2020
By Krishna Dodds
October was an intense month, to say the least.
Lots of transformation and big energies!
Even though November has an eclipse and two full moons-which are also known for their BIG energy-it also heralds the direct motion of Mercury, Mars, and Neptune.
So…if you’ve been feeling super frustrated by delays and the inability to finalise things and move forward in life, you should start to feel some reprieve from the heaviness that has been surrounding us all on some level.
For me, November offers hope. The hope that what we dream of, can finally be called into being.
What better way to start the month than with a Full Moon @9 degrees of Taurus! (NB: This is for the Southern Hemisphere only, as the Northern Hemisphere Full Moon was on October 31st.)
The Full Moon in the earthy and stable sign of Taurus, is joined by the rebellious and sometimes troublemaking, Uranus.
Depending on the way you see the world, the tight conjunction of the Moon and Uranus may bring some much needed emotional freedom-particularly if you have been feeling weighed down in heaviness or stuck in a rut. It can also signify the need for space and independence.
Finances and income also fall under this banner, so there may be changes in this area as well.
Uranus loves change, Taurus not so much.
Take some time over the weekend to reflect upon what areas of your life may give you comfort yet offers no room for growth.
Some of us may welcome the freedom that this aspect offers, while others may feel upset over potential disruption and sudden change.
However, the lunar energies play out in your world over the weekend, just remember that what is for you, won’t go by you.
It is important to release what is taking up space in our hearts and minds, so that we can be open to receiving the experiences that will take us on the next part of our evolutionary journey.
On November 4th, Mercury moves into forward motion at almost 26 degrees of Libra.
This signals a time of resolving any issues with diplomacy and cooperation-and may relate to events or situations that were prominent in the last week of September.
Now that our logical mind is back on track, we have the ability to look at misunderstandings with new eyes, and be grateful for hold ups and things seemingly not going our way.
Sometimes the universe has a funny way of rescuing us from situations that were not meant for us-even though we couldn’t see it at the time.
The period after a retrograde phase finishes, blesses us with the gift of objectivity, and the ability to see why certain events have unfolded in the way they have.
When Mercury moves back into Scorpio on the 11th, we will have a deeper understanding of our own intentions, and how we can balance our intuitive nature with the investigative qualities that Scorpio bestows us with.
It would be easy at this time to be overly cynical-or even plan revenge on those who have hurt us.
Honour those thoughts by delving into the felt senses and becoming aware of the feelings that are fuelling this way of thinking.
Much relief can take place when we OWN our emotions, and find ways of bringing healing to them.
Not only can we bring a sense of wholeness to ourselves; we can also spare the external world from the chaos and drama that unprocessed thoughts and emotions can bring.
November 13th sees Jupiter and Pluto forming the third conjunction of the year.
This aspect teaches us that strength comes from within, and that we are way more powerful than we give ourselves credit for.
Expanded consciousness comes through making practical changes that we can build upon.
It is a time of letting go of outdated belief systems, and creating strong foundations that are in alignment with who we are now.
Don’t see setbacks as a failure. See it as a chance to readjust or reframe the structures you wish to create now and into the future.
The 15th November sees Mars move into direct motion-after a two month hiatus-alongside the New Moon in Scorpio.
Talk about intensity dialled up to the nth degree!!
This day signals new beginnings on steroids!!
The Mars retrograde period is well known for tapping into repressed anger, frustrations etc..
It can also bring feelings of irritability and agitation due to feeling restricted.
So the 15th could technically be a day where the floodgates open to release whatever it is that we’ve been carrying.
Before we attempt any kind of New Moon manifestation on this day, we need to make sure our energy is grounded. Run, swim, scream, climb a mountain, or engage in hard physical labour. Whatever it takes to release any pressure you may be experiencing.
Then, take a deep breath and put your feet on the earth.
Take a few moments to look at what’s been occurring for you since Mars went into a backwards spin on September 10th.
Then decide on how you would like to, or plan to, move forward.
Projects that have been on hold will now start to flow, our physical energy should start to pick up…and we will feel an injection of courage that will help us to chase our dreams.
The New Moon in Scorpio speaks to us about overcoming our fears and tapping into our inner power!
We may also start to feel sexy/sexual, thanks to the double dose of Mars with undertones of Pluto.
A great combo right!
This is one of those serendipitous days when we can harness the energy of the planets to create deep and long-lasting transformation in our lives.
Remember that intention is everything. Mars may encourage us to act rashly and jump into whatever looks good, whereas Scorpio affords us the opportunity to deeply reflect on what our desires are.
Think before you speak, but don’t go to sleep! Meaning..take time to make decisions, but don’t delay them to the point where you don’t act.
There is a period before, during and after the New Moon, when Miss Venus will have her share of (ahem) somewhat challenging aspects from Mars, Pluto, Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus.
While all of these planets will affect Venus in very different ways, they will turn our attention towards our relationships, our connections to women, our sense of safety and security, self-worth, and the values we hold close to our hearts.
During this time, it is important that we are aware of how external situations are triggering us, and what they are turning our attention towards. EG: If we feel disconnected from our partner (Venus/Saturn), we can take responsibility for how we feel, and suggest to our loved one that we would like to have a date night or engage in couple building practices. Or, the energy of Venus and Uranus can be harnessed by trying new and exciting things with our partner, or (if single) accepting a date from someone who is completely different to who we would usually interact with.
Venus will put us in touch with our innermost values during this time. Know that it is ok to be honest with yourself and express your needs to those nearest and dearest to you.
And it is more than ok to leave behind connections that do not support our wellbeing, and the vision we have for ourselves as we continue to grow and explore this thing called life.
The Venus vibe continues, with the planet of love and relating moving into Scorpio on November 21st.
The Venusian influence will bring feelings of passion and intensity and the urge to connect with others on a much deeper level.
We have the ability to bring transformation to our most intimate of connections or wreak havoc with feelings of jealously and possessiveness reigning supreme.
As Venus in Scorpio brings an “all or nothing” approach, it will be wise to choose where and how we are channelling our energy throughout this phase, and what Venus is trying to teach us about ourselves through our interactions with others.
The Sun moves into the jovial sign of Saggy on November 22nd, bringing a spirit of adventure, and the drive to expand our minds through learning.
This month long transit will encourage us to engage in new ways of thinking, and dream of visiting faraway places.
Don’t be surprised if you are suddenly drawn to a new belief system throughout this period.
Also be aware of the Sagittarius tendency for foot in mouth disease. There is a difference between being direct and tactless!
Neptune turns direct on the very last day of November, signalling the end of a five month retrograde period.
As Neptune starts to move out of the shadow phase, we have a call to tap into our spirituality on a deeper level, and rework a dream that has been on hold.
Neptune stimulates the imagination and can help us to plant creative seeds that develop into concrete plans.
If the retrograde period brought a sense of confusion or the inability to trust your intuitive nature, you may find that your spidey senses will start becoming much stronger.
A spiritual or creative discipline can help express the otherworldly messages and images that Neptune conveys to us.
Paying attention to our dreams can also be a useful way to tap into our inner knowing.
On the very same day that Neptune turns direct, we have a partial lunar eclipse in the sign of Gemini.
This is an extremely interesting combination, as Mercury ruled Gemini wants to know and express the finer details of everything, while Neptune conveys its messages in much more subtle ways.
It does indicate the lifting of a veil, and the ability to see things more clearly.
There may also be a message or news of some sort that make its way to you.
The theme of communication will always be prominent with the sign of the Twins, with this eclipse giving us the opportunity to look at the ways in which we communicate with others, the way we speak to ourselves-aka, our inner dialogue-and the intentions behind our words.
Words can be weapons or the sweetest of salves…and it’s up to us to reflect upon how our words are affecting ourselves and others.
I am not suggesting that we don’t speak our truth, in any way, shape or form.
I am talking about being mindful of the way in which we communicate (speed, tone, volume) the words we choose to use, and whether we also offer the space for active listening to take place.
There may also need to be a major overhaul with how we interact with ourselves.
Neptune reminds us to embrace the qualities of love and compassion.
Mercury is the transmitter and receiver of information.
If we can speak to ourselves with kindness, we are more likely to share the same with others.
Everything begins and ends with us. If we wish to live in a world that is filled with understanding and love, we first need to be it.
Leading by example does not mean we need to be or stay in situations that are harsh to our sense of wellbeing. It does mean, making a conscious choice about how we show up in the world, and drawing in those around us who hold similar values.
— Krishna Dodds
November 2020
Awaken Your Inner Wisdom
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