Getting Clear About the Year
‘Skyvibe’ Astrology Forecast for January 2025
By Krishna Dodds.
2025 is here. Can you believe it!
2024 seems to have started and ended so quickly, yet at the same time it held so much in the way of growth and evolution…and challenges.
2025 has many big changes in store…starting with the Chinese Year of the Snake on the 29th of January (big transformations and shedding happening here!), Neptune moves into Aries on March the 31st, Saturn joins Neptune in Aries on May 26th, and Uranus makes a move into Gemini on July the 7th.
Add to this the eclipse portals in March and September, and the fact that it’s a 9 year in numerology (ending of cycles), and we have ourselves a spicy, little paella of a year.
First thing’s first, though.
Let us embark upon January and what the first month of the calendar year has to offer.
Venus makes her way into Pisces on the 4th of January and will prompt us to feel more compassion and empathy within the way we relate to others. We can also tap into our creativity on a deeper level, and may even be intuitively/spiritually guided to do this.
Venus in Pisces can bring a sensitivity that enables us to more easily feel the energy of others. While it’s sometimes great to be able to tune into what those closest to us are feeling, we also need to know where we end and others begin, so that we can clear what isn’t ours.
Practicing spiritual hygiene will help you to hold space for others without taking on the emotional contagion that can be transferred during these interactions.
Some of you may want to share the love by engaging in volunteering or any kind of activity that enables you to share your altruistic side.
Around the 4th of January, Mars will oppose Pluto, and is indicative of power struggles and explosive energies within the body as our deepest fears and desires come bubbling up from the underworld of our psyche.
Powerful insights can be discovered at this time, yet we also need to release the physical aspect of this opposition by engaging in hard work, strong exercise, and removing ourselves from people, places, and situations that may exacerbate conflict. Getting some space, planting your feet on the earth and taking deep breaths can help the volatile feelings subside and the nervous system to regulate.
On the 6th of January, Mars retrograde will return to 29 degrees of Cancer and will stay there until the 19th of April.
Mars will make contact with 29 degrees of Cancer again on the 18th of April before moving back into Leo.
(29 degrees is a crisis point and can indicate that something may occur on both the 6th of January and the 18th of April.)
If you cast your mind back to around the 6th of October through to the 3rd of November 2024, you may get an idea of the themes that will make a reappearance throughout this time.
Cancer is traditionally related to our ancestors and our past, to the home and family, and all of the things that take place in this domain.
Mars in Cancer can be quite combustible, as it forces the deeply buried feelings of the crab to surface with great gusto!
What have you been holding onto or putting up within this area of your life? Where have you been using the protective shell of the crab to shield yourself from conflict yet in the process stopped yourself from finding a resolution?
Do you have unexpressed anger that you are afraid to express due to rocking the familial boat?
Where may you be feeling insecure or holding onto a grudge?
These are just some of the questions you can ask yourself throughout this time frame. Instead of letting your emotions overwhelm you or having an internal volcano erupt, use your inner wise one to guide you to what most needs to be resolved. It won’t be too hard to discover, as Cancer is a feeling sign.
As the age old adage promotes, “prevention is better than cure.” If we can put strategies into place before a blow up (or implosion) takes place, the aftermath may not be as messy.
Use this time to clean things up on an outer level (think old crap lying around the house that you no longer need), and to sort through inner debris.
Remember when I mentioned the year of the snake at the beginning of this article? Anything that isn’t supporting us, needs to be shed to make way for a new dawn to emerge.
On the 3rd of January, Mercury clears the shadow of the retrograde phase and moves into the practical earth sign of Capricorn from the 9th until the 29th of January.
This is when we really start to feel some of those new year ambitions kicking in. If you’ve been Ho-humming about what to do career wise or things have been lagging or unsatisfactory, now is the time to get serious and put a 12 month action plan into place so that you can start moving towards those professional goals.
Use this time to get serious about your working life and make solid plans to move towards what you want.
The first Full Moon of the year rises at 24 degrees of Cancer on the 13th of January in the northern hemisphere and the 14th of January in the southern hemisphere.
I would like to tell you that it will be smooth sailing…yet as Cancer is ruled by the Moon, this FM always tends to be BIG.
Add into the mix the Mars Retrograde phase, and we have some major fireworks ready to be ignited.
Emotions can run high throughout this phase. The FM will always illuminate what most needs to be brought to light. The addition of Mars is like fuel to a fire. Mars will exacerbate and push to the surface what needs to be revealed. Old wounds and unresolved issues that revolve around our household and family members will be in the spotlight.
The push pull effect of Mars and the Moon can have us feeling out of sorts. Mars wants to take action, while the Cancer Moon craves solace.
Find middle ground and strike a balance. Look for ways to express the energy so that you’re not feeling pent up with rage, or stretched beyond your comfort zone.
The energies will find their way through eventually. We just need to create the space for them so that they’re not as volatile as they potentially could be.
This FM period can indicate a change around our living arrangements. Someone may leave, or someone may come to stay.
Whatever occurs in your world; know that shifts are afoot around this time.
The archetype of the Waterbearer comes in strong towards the end of the month with the Sun moving into Aquarius on the 20th of January, followed by the New Moon @ 10 degrees of Aquarius, and Mercury on the 29th.
Aquarius is a progressive and forward thinking sign that feels stifled by tradition and pomp and ceremony.
Aquarius likes to do things their own way and will put their focus firmly towards the future.
So, if you have been in a situation that is calling out for revival, a complete overhaul, or is no longer an energy match; now is the time to start thinking about how you can modify your world to prepare for the new energies that want to emerge.
Uranus (the ruler of Aquarius), stations direct on the 31st of January after being in retrograde motion since early September.
Although it will take a while to clear the shadow phase; this turnabout of direction does indicate that a move forward is definitely on the cards-especially when it comes to our finances and how much we value ourselves. (These two themes are definitely linked.)
So, there you have it!
January does not disappoint. If you are looking to change things up in your life, now’s the time to start.
Aquarius blesses us with the gift of detachment so that we can see what needs to take place free of emotional influence.
Once the big feelings of the Full Moon and Mars are released, we will be able to more clearly see what we need to put in place to start working towards the visions we have for ourselves.
We also have more clarity around what needs to be released.
They say that the definition of crazy is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
January helps us to see that if we step outside of the box and look at things from a different perspective, we may find the solutions we have been seeking…or try a completely new way of being and approaching life.
This will strongly be influenced by your personal natal chart, your soul’s journey and lessons, and your willingness to step across the threshold into new beginnings.
Wishing you ease and grace as you walk your path.
Cosmic Blessings,
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