Forward Motion & Fresh Clarity
A Month of Liberation and Inner Wisdom

‘Skyvibe’ Astrology Forecast for February 2025

By Krishna Dodds.


February is shaping up to be quite a big month astrologically. (When isn’t it, though!)

The forward motion of Mars and Jupiter will support us with our direction and our beliefs, and the north node in Pisces combined with the New Moon in Pisces will help us to tune into our feelings and intuition and release anything that we don’t want to carry into the new astrological year-which begins when the Sun moves into Aries in March.

Venus makes her way into Aries on the 5th of February bringing with her a way of relating that can only be described as sass and fire.

Passion can be renewed with this placement; so if your relationships have been a little ho-hum, you can look forward to a reignited spark along with spontaneity and adventure.

Perhaps a bit of an outdoor romp might be on the cards!

Venus in Aries natives can be impulsive and brash, which can lead to arguments if the other party isn’t feeling heard or acknowledged.

To maintain balance, employ the traits of Aries opposite sign of Libra when dealing with delicate relationship matters.

If you are single, you may thrive on being pursued or being the pursuer. The thrill of the chase is exciting to this combination of planet and sign.

Jupiter stations direct on February 5th, ending an almost 4 month retrograde phase.

A Jupiter retrograde phase generally denotes a time of going within and attending to self-growth.

It may seem like nothing is occurring because often as humans we measure our success in the external world.

Yet the Jupiter retrograde period allows us to reflect upon what we believe in, where we have been focusing our energy, and examine how our beliefs are shaping our lives.

Pursuits in the outside world may have ground to a halt while Jupiter was in retrograde phase, yet it also gave us the opportunity to contemplate whether we wanted to continue along a certain path.

Once Jupiter starts to move in a direct motion there will be a sense of enthusiasm returning. We can combine our inner wisdom with the feeling that we are being supported by the universe to move towards that which will take us into the next part of our evolutionary journey. In Gemini, we may decide to start a short course that segues into something bigger. We may decide to travel to connect with lands that awaken our minds and our spirit, or we may simply decide to increase our knowledge by reading a heap of books that open us up to different belief systems.

However you decide to work with this energy, just know that there is a sense of “joie de vivre” returning-which always makes life that much easier to navigate.

A final note on the Jupiter retrograde phase. What took place for you between October the 9th 2024 and February the 5th 2025?

If something comes to mind, ask yourself what you learnt from the situation and how you can take this newfound wisdom to support yourself moving forward.

On the 12th of February we have a fiery Full Moon rising at 24 degrees of Leo.

Leo brings to our attention where we may be coming from ego/and or pride and how shifting our perspective to come from a place of love and understanding can support us in approaching situations with a different perspective.

Leo is ruled by the Sun and corresponds to the heart chakra. In situations where there has been a Mexican standoff of sorts, ask yourself “what would love do?”

Seeing situations through this lens can bring resolution to outstanding issues and open the flow of energy to start moving forward.

On a personal level, the Leo Full Moon can encourage us to feel confident with sharing our unique talents with the world. If there ever was a time to have the courage to “shine your light” for all the world to see, this Full Moon phase will illuminate how it can become a possibility.

As with everything in astrology, balance is a major theme.

Find ways to increase your self-esteem, yet try not to become arrogant.

Share your individual gifts with the world, yet ask yourself how these gifts can help humanity.

Pursue your goals and ambitions, yet remember to make time for your friends and the other people in your life.

There is a creative vibe to this Full Moon, so you may find that you’re able to tap into that part of yourself even more so now.

There’s also a sense that something around children may be in the spotlight. Whether it’s your own children or something to do with your inner child remains to be seen.

Be open to being playful and allowing life to be less serious.

Perhaps a swing at the park can be the salve that your heart needs to remind you to let go and enjoy life.

Uranus will form a tight square to the Full Moon, so sudden change can be a theme around this time. Both Uranus and the Full Moon are in fixed signs, so this may be a difficult energy to embrace.

Breaking free from restrictions will be prominent now, as will emotional outbursts and the sense that you want to rebel against anyone and anything that curbs your freedom.

If you feel into what these things might be before the Full Moon takes place, you may be able to handle this energy with more ease and grace.

Take time out just for you, and regulate your nervous system in a way that supports you best.

Remember that change is only as scary as we make it. Sometimes being pushed outside of our comfort zone can bring experiences that we never believed were possible.

Mercury and the Sun will join Pisces on the 15th and 19th of February respectively, completing a stellium with Saturn, Neptune and the North Node.

Mercury in Pisces will prompt us to listen to our intuition rather than following a logical thought process. People may ask us how we know something, and our response is, “I just know and can’t explain it”, or “it’s just a hunch that I have.”

The Sun is Pisces opens us up to creativity, imagination, and the desire to connect to the unseen worlds.

We can feel more compassion with this placement and may have the urge to engage in altruistic pursuits.

Pisces is a water sign, so our emotions may reign supreme over the next month.

Finding a grounding practice such as spending time in nature or putting patchouli oil on your feet will be instrumental in keeping you tethered to your body and not overwhelmed by your feelings.

I mentioned earlier that Pisces is the last sign before the new astrological year begins with Aries. Saturn and Neptune will also be leaving Pisces to embrace a new era influenced by Aries.

So with that, this is when we have the opportunity to tune into ourselves and discover which fears and wounds are still running the show.

They shouldn’t be too hard to identify as we can generally see them being played out with others.

I am by no means under the impression that any astrological transit can make us “let go and release” everything we’ve been carrying.

What I do know, is that the Sun will shine a lot on these areas and help us to see where we are keeping ourselves stuck by holding onto certain beliefs and patterns.

Then we can make a decision regarding how we’d like to address the above behaviours so that we can work towards minimising them or at least understanding them.

The New Moon @ 9 degrees of Pisces on the 28th of February will put us in touch with our inner realms and support us in listening to our feelings and expressing our emotions.

While this may sound like a lot to some of you, just know that without engaging a cleanse of sorts, we will have difficulty connecting to our own spirit and the world of spirit that surrounds us.

Allowing yourself to process your emotions and work on everything that I’ve mentioned above, can help you to raise your vibration and listen to the whispers of your soul.

When we walk a soul aligned path our dreams can start to come true.

Neptune ruled Pisces is often associated with confusion, deception and vagueness. Yet if we keep our energy as clear as we can and listen to our intuition, clarity will come, and things will start making sense.

On the 25th of February, Mars stations direct after a stint of retrograde action in both Cancer and Leo.

Mars has been in Cancer since October 20th, 2024, and began its retrograde phase around the 8th of January 2025.

This has been a BIG time of focussing on our home life, our family relationships, where we live, and our ancestral history.

Mars in Cancer can cause fluctuating moods and bring our attention to unprocessed emotions from the past.

Situations in the home may have reached a peak throughout this period, and we may have had thoughts of moving away from certain relationships or family members.

Whatever the themes were for you throughout this period, know that as Mars moves forward you will have the motivation to either fix and strengthen things (depending on how you decided to approach the situation), or move away from a situation completely.

Astrology is about patterns. Looking at the movements of the planets and how they affect us mere mortals.

Sometimes we need to keep having an external experience because it supports us in spiralling into ourselves and gaining insights into our behaviour and how we can learn and evolve from those behaviours. I would call this a healing process.

On the other hand, we may stay in situations where the lesson has been learned, and we are actually punishing ourselves by continuing to be a part of it.

February feels like a month of deciding what works for you and what doesn’t.

Whatever you’re feeling as you’re reading this is generally an indicator of where in life this might be for you.

Wishing you ease, grace, and kindness as we embark on this next part of the journey.

Cosmic Blessings,

krishna dodds astrology
— Krishna Dodds
February 2025
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