Finding the Treasure Within

‘Skyvibe’ Astrology Forecast for August 2024

By Krishna Dodds.


The action starts early in August with a New Moon in Leo on the 4th, and Venus moving into Virgo two days later on the 6th.

On the very same day, Mercury-the planet of communication and receiving information, begins its retrograde phase.

The New Moon always signals the beginning of a new cycle. In Leo, we may feel called to start having some fun-especially if things have been too serious.

Leo bestows us with the ability to tap into our “inner Sun” and love and accept ourselves for the unique beings that we are. The presence of the second fire sign of the zodiac encourages us to shine our inner light and have the confidence and courage to share our creative selves with the world.

This lunar cycle will support us in having pride in ourselves and what we have to give. So if there’s a project or idea that’s been hiding in the shadows, perhaps now is the time to birth it. and let it (and you), have your time in the spotlight.

If you’re looking to attract a mate or some romance into your world, use the BIG ENERGY of Leo to get yourself noticed. Of course you also need to put some effort in and be aware of what you have to offer. Yet it doesn’t hurt to have the presence of the Lion on your side.

Venus in Virgo reminds us that we need to accept ourselves and others just as we are. There is a drive for perfectionism with this combination of sign and planet that can lead to criticism and judgement of self (and others), if these high standards aren’t met.

This is a huge lesson that can’t possibly be learnt in the short amount of time that Venus is in Virgo. What it can show us, though, is where these traits are turning up in our lives, and how we become conscious of them.

Venus in Virgo is dependable, kind, and reliant. This is a great time to enlist others to help with projects that require organisation and attention to detail.

There is a minimalist feel to this energy. While Venus loves to have pretty things and pleasant surroundings, Virgo likes things to be neat and have order.

Perhaps it is time to declutter your surroundings and streamline your living environment.

The outward reflects the inner. A clean and clutter free living/work space can often support a more peaceful inner landscape.

The retrograde phase of Mercury begins on the 6th of August and will end on the 29th of August in the sign of Leo.

Mercury retrograde in Virgo can throw a proverbial spanner in the works. Just when we thought we had control and were making progress, the past comes knocking to bring our attention to areas that require resolution or loose ends to be tied up.

During the Mercury in Virgo retrograde phase, we may become cognizant of issues around our health and/or nervous system, our daily routines, our work, and the criticism and judgement themes I mentioned above regarding Venus in Virgo.

We know the typical and “ astrological cookbook” manifestations of Mercury retrograde can be a delay in travel plans, miscommunications and misunderstandings, electrical appliances going on the fritz, etc…

While the above can be super frustrating; it can also show us what we need to work on via our reactions to what is unfolding.

If our computer isn’t working and we become upset-maybe we need to spend less time on our devices and get out into nature.

If we have something due for work and can’t get it done for whatever reason, perhaps we need to accept that it’s ok for it to be late and not everything has to be perfect or done by a certain time.

When the retrograde period switches from Virgo to Leo on the 16th of August, the themes also change.

We may start to tune into where life has been all about work and no play. There is a sense of taking things too seriously and not allowing fun to be part of our daily routine.

There may also be rumblings around where we feel that we need to be number one and compete with others to be seen.

To balance the requirements of both Virgo and Leo, we may need to schedule (as much as is humanly possible during a Mercury retrograde phase) time for work and time for play.

That way we can fulfil the desires of both signs without either of them feeling like they have become disempowered by the unpredictability of the retrograde phase.

I honestly believe that this retrograde period can support us in identifying what we have the capacity for versus how we think we need to turn up to be accepted.

It’s ok to only do what you can. There is way too much pressure out there in society for us to be everything and do everything.

We don’t need to add more to our worlds. Everything we need is already inside of us.

Perhaps the message of this retrograde period is reminding us that we are enough, and that we will discover the beauty of who we are by peeling back the layers to reveal our true selves.

On the 18th of August, Mercury forms a square with Uranus and may have us feeling super rebellious, and super over the retrograde period.

The words that we haven’t been quite able to find or articulate may come spewing out in an unexpected way around this date and the few days surrounding it.

And if that isn’t enough of a shake up for you, the Full Moon at 27 degrees of Aquarius on the 19th/20th (depending on your time zone) can bring more of the same.

All of the full moons can have somewhat of an unpredictable energy due to how they influence us mere mortals.

The FM in Aquarius is ruled by Uranus and prompts us( it’s really more of a push!), to bring about change in the areas of our lives that are lagging.

This FM is great for detaching from situations that we may be too close to, and stepping back so that we can gain a sense of objectivity.

Sometimes we need to let something, or someone go to create the space for more aligned energies to enter our worlds.

The illuminating light of the FM in Aquarius can support us in loving ourselves for the unique beings that we are and accept our idiosyncrasies and eccentricities.

It can also support us to live more of an unconventional life and not give a flying f##k about what anyone thinks of us.

With Mercury opposing the Full Moon and Uranus (the ruler of Aquarius), squaring it, there is a sense that fiery words may be spoken and emotions that haven’t been expressed or even acknowledged may come tumbling out.

Keep an eye on this date; as there is definitely the sense that big shifts will be taking place around this time.

On the 20th of August, Jupiter will form the first of three squares to Saturn.

This can create a bit of a push/pull situation, as Jupiter wants to expand, and one of Saturn’s functions is to restrict.

Now before we go off on one at poor old Saturn, let me give you a positive spin on this transit.

I believe that Saturn helps us to pull our energy back from people, places and situations that aren’t going to support us in the long term.

Jupiter on the other hand-especially in the sign of Gemini-is adept at taking on more than it can possibly handle. Let’s be social, let’s collect friends, let’s sign up to do a million short courses…etc!!

Saturn in Pisces represents the clearing out of the old before it starts anew in Aries.

Saturn is also in retrograde motion; so it really doesn’t want to be taking on anything new.

While this time may feel challenging…aka…two steps forward and three steps back, we can gain a lot from going within and reflecting upon the foundations that we would like to build for ourselves and the future.

Jupiter in Gemini can bring a lot of mental energy to the fore and can have our heads in a spin.

While Saturn in  Pisces is teaching us to listen to the whispers within and follow the wise guidance of our intuition.

Only expand on what it is that you want to see through. Everything else is a distraction!

The Sun moves into Virgo on the 23rd of August and can help us to feel more organised and like we have some semblance of order in our physical world.

After the ups and downs of the month, Virgo is a nice place to land and give mind to our health and wellbeing and how we can start incorporating daily rituals to support our nervous system.

Venus moves into her home sign of Libra on the 30th of August and can help us to smooth over any upsets that may have occurred with others throughout the month.

Venus in Libra loves harmonious connections and is willing to negotiate and compromise to come to a place of resolution.

As long as we are being honest in our dealings (and not keeping the peace to avoid rocking the apple cart), we can come to a place where our relationships are truly committed and loving.

And there you have it folks! August has some powerful and transformative energies that can help us become clear about who we are and what and who we would like to take on our journey as we move forward.

May the planets support you in walking your soul aligned path.

Cosmic Blessings,

krishna dodds astrology
— Krishna Dodds
August 2024
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