Pump up the jam!!

‘Skyvibe’ Astrology Forecast for April 2023

By Krishna Dodds.


April is bursting at the seams with new energy!

March brought shifts galore with Mars moving into Cancer after seven months in Gemini, Saturn’s move into Pisces, and the power punch of Pluto moving into Aquarius for the first time in over 200 years.

The War of Independence was fought the last time Pluto was transiting Aquarius… so it will be interesting to see what changes unfold this time around. I definitely think that “independence” is a key word for this energy.

On top of the above planetary shifts, April brings us the second New Moon in Aries.

This New Moon is also the first Solar Eclipse of the year…and is at the anaretic placement of 29 degrees of Aries.

An anaretic degree gives us a strong desire to finish things up. This coupled with the Solar Eclipse in Aries indicates that some massive changes can happen quite quickly during the month of April.

Mercury makes its ingress into Taurus on May 4th and brings with it a slowing down of our mental energy. In this placement we will want to take our time making decisions, and any choices made will be of a very practical nature.

After the fast pace of Mercury in Aries, this placement will be a welcome relief for some. We can stop and “smell the roses”, so to speak. Be aware of stubbornness and inflexibility.

The Libra Full Moon that rises at 16 degrees on the 6th of April, ushers in the opportunity to strengthen our connections with others and to increase our capacity to negotiate.

The Full Moon illuminates the shadowy and hidden parts of situations… so we may find that dramas and upsets are brought to the fore to be resolved.

Balance is a keyword for Libra; and we may find throughout this period that we become more mindful of other’s needs and how they fit in with ours.

At the end of the day, Libra values peace and harmony over everything else. This isn’t to say that we need to avoid certain situations or sweep them under the carpet. No…the opposite in fact!

This luminary will support us in bringing light to that which has been hidden and offer us the opportunity to resolve baggage that is keeping us from feeling connected to the people who mean the most to us.

If you become stuck in ego or a “me against them” scenario throughout this phase, ask yourself “what would love do?”

This question to Self gives us the ability to radically change our perspective and see the person or situation through different eyes.

Venus moves into Gemini on the 12th of April and will support the FM Libra energy by increasing our ability to communicate with our loved ones.”

Venus in Gemini’s favourite things are talking and words, and words and talking! So be prepared to have a lot of conversations with those around you.

This placement can bestow us with the “gift of the gab” and could be helpful in making money from a side hustle that involves self-expression or fast talking.

While the intention of connection is strong with Venus in Gemini, it may come more from a intellectual place than a feeling one.
Be mindful of overthinking instead of feeling.

April 20th sees the first Solar Eclipse of the year and the anaretic degree of the Aries New Moon.

There will be a flurry of energy around this time-one that encourages us to start new beginnings, new ventures and new plans.
There will be a sense of wanting to wipe the slate clean and rid ourselves of anything that restricts us from moving forward with our projects and goals.

The sense that I am getting from this energy is that we will want to start new adventures with as little baggage as possible-metaphorically, emotionally, and physically.

Make a conscious effort at this time to lighten your load and move forward only with what is necessary.

There are powerful changes afoot…and even though they may feel uncomfortable or unexpected, they can certainly help move you towards where you want to be.

Employ the Aries traits of courage, bravery, and determination to help keep you on track and moving through any challenges that may arise.

The 22nd of April heralds the almost four week Mercury retrograde phase.

Remember when I said earlier that Mercury in Taurus may slow down our mental energy? Well once the retrograde period begins, there may be a sluggish feel to our intellectual processes.

The fact that the retrograde period begins right after the Solar Eclipse in Aries indicates that there is an obstacle or something we need to think about further before we take up the gung-ho invitation of Aries to venture into unknown territory.

Mercury retrograde in Taurus is cautioning us to rethink, revisit, and revise-especially when it comes to making decisions around finances and anything that brings us a sense of security.

This can be incredibly frustrating for the “champing at the bit” energy of Aries, who just wants to get the ball rolling!

During this 24 day period, there may be a push/pull kind of scenario taking place.

My suggestion to you at this time is to reflect upon anything that started on the first New Moon in Aries back on the 21st/22nd March, and see if you need to make any adjustments.

What were your intentions back then? What goals were at the forefront of your mind?

Being an impatient Mars in Aries native, I know how maddening it can be when things aren’t moving at the pace that I want them to.

Having said that, every time I have been forced to slow down for some reason, it was because I didn’t have all of the information or all of the pieces that I needed to bring my intentions and ideas into form.

The move of the Sun into Taurus on April 21st will intensify the force of the retrograde phase, and will afford us the opportunity to reflect upon its place in our world and how we can use it to our advantage.

Once Mercury goes direct on the 16thof May and clears the shadow phase on the 1st of June; we should have a deeper understanding of why our plans were delayed in the first place.

Perhaps it was so we could combine the traits of Aries and Taurus, and find ways to blaze new trails while not compromising our emotional and financial security in the process.

Perhaps it was to ground our new ideas and plans and bring them into physical form so that we can build upon them and make something of them.

Perhaps it was because we didn’t have everything we needed at the time, and now we are in a better position to make conventional and practical decisions that also allow expansion and creativity, and the fire to bring our intentions to fruition.

Only time will tell.

If you look to the placement of these planetary movements in your own chart, you will have an idea of how this may play out for you.

I wish you well throughout the month of April. Rather than resisting the planetary energies, I invite you to work with them and use them to understand yourself and your inner and outer worlds more deeply.

Celestial blessings,

Photo by Gordon Cowie on Unsplash

krishna dodds astrology

— Krishna Dodds
April 2023
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